This post is part of my preparation series for the Cloudera CCA175 exam, “Certified Spark and Hadoop Developer”. It is intentionally concise, to serve me as a cheat sheet.
You need familiarity with Python as well as Scala for the Cloudera exam. I have never coded in Scala before, so I am taking this course and preparing a brief Scala summary in this post.
Fortunately, the spark-shell
is very helpful in the exam, and you don’t need to compile any .jar files.
Scala Basics
// Values are immutable (can't be changed once defined):
val hello : String = "Hello!"
println ( hello )
// Variables are mutable:
var good_morrow : String = hello
good_morrow = hello + " Good morning!"
// Variable types:
val myInt : Int = 1
val myBool : Boolean = true
val myLetter : Char = 'a'
val pi : Float = 3.14159265f
val pi : Double = 3.1415926535
val myByte : Byte = 127
val largeInt : Long = 123451234512
// println() can do string interpolation:
println ( f "Pi is approx. $pi%.3f" )
println ( s "$hello Good day! $good_morrow" )
println ( s "Three plus four equals ${3+4}" )
// Expressions get evaluated and the last statement is returned:
println ({ val x = 10 ; x + 20 }) // this will print out 30.
val s = List ( "I see a little silhouetto of a man" ,
"scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango" )
s . map ( _ . startsWith ( "scar" ))
s . filter ( _ . contains ( "little" ))
s . flatMap ( _ . split ( " " ))
s . flatMap ( _ . split ( " " )). filter ( _ . length < 4 )
Regular expressions
val myString : String = "And I would walk 500 miles"
// create a regex pattern with triple quotes and an appended '.r'
val pattern = """.* ([\d]+).*""" . r // this matches the first number in a string
val pattern ( resultString ) = myString // Scala's very weird syntax to apply a regular expression
val result = resultString . toInt // .toFloat etc. all exist too, of course
Boolean logic
val certainly = 1 < 2
val unlikely = 4 < 0
val nope = certainly & unlikely
val nope2 = certainly && unlikely // same result, but this version bails early, i.e. does not evaluate 'unlikely'
val password = "dootdoot"
val entry = "123456"
val match : Boolean = entry == password
Flow control
// If/else
if ( 1 < 3 ) println ( "Yes!" ) else println ( "No :(" )
if ( 1 < 3 ){
println ( "Yes!" )
} else {
println ( "No :(" )
// Matching (switch/case)
val n = 2
n match {
case 1 => println ( "One" )
case 2 => println ( "Two" )
case 3 => println ( "Three" )
case _ => println ( "Default output" )
// For loops
for ( x <- 1 to 4 ) { // The '<-' is a range operator in Scala
val squared = x * x
println ( squared )
// While loops
var x = 100
while ( x >= 0 ){
println ( s "$x bottles of beer on the wall." )
x -= 1
do {
println ( x )
x += 1
} while ( x <= 10 )
// Definition:
def isEven ( x : Int ) : Boolean = {
x % 2 == 0
println ( isEven ( 15 ))
// void return type:
def print_something ( text : String ) = {
println ( "### " + text + " ###" )
// Functions as parameters:
def squareIt ( x : Int ) : Int {
def transformInt ( x : Int , fct : Int => Int ) : Int {
fct ( x )
val result = transformInt ( 2 , squareIt )
// Lambda functions (anonymous functions)
transformInt ( 15 , ( x : Int ) => x * x * x ) // full notation
transformInt ( 15 , x => x * x * x ) // type inferred
transformInt ( 15 , scala . math . pow ( _ , 3 )) // shortcut via placeholder
transformInt ( 12 , x => { val y = x + 3 ; y * y }) // this implements (x+3)^2
Data structures
// Tuples: Much like in Python, a list of immutables:
val myTuple = ( "Good" , "morning" , "Sir" , 3.14159 )
// Weird indexing syntax:
println ( myTuple . _1 ) // index is one-based
// Key/value pair
val myKV = "house" -> "Haus"
println ( myKV . _2 ) // "Haus"
// Lists: Elements must all be of same type.
val inventory = List ( "Apples" , "Oranges" , "Bananas" )
println ( inventory ( 0 )) // Lists have *zero based indexing*
println ( inventory . head ) // first element
println ( inventory . tail ) // all but first element
for ( item <- inventory ){ // Range operator '<-' for lists
println ( item )
Working with lists
// Mapping
val myList = List ( "I" , "see" , "a" , "little" , "silhouetto" , "of" , "a" , "man" )
val reversedStrings = myList . map ( ( x : String ) => { x . reverse })
for ( str <- reversedStrings ) { println ( str )}
// Reducing
val intList = List ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 )
val sum = intList . reduce ( ( x : Int , y : Int ) => x + y )
println ( sum )
intList . reduce ( _ + _ ) // Shortcut
// Filtering
intList . filter ( ( x : Int ) => x != 3 )
intList . filter ( _ != 3 ) // A shortcut: Wildcard syntax
// Iterating
intList . foreach ( x => println ( x ))
intList . foreach ( println ) // same
// Concatenating lists
val newList = List ( 6 , 7 , 8 )
val bigList = intList ++ newList
// Some list methods
bigList . reverse
bigList . sorted
bigList . distinct
bigList . max
bigList . sum
bigList . contains ( 3 )
// Like dictionaries in Python
val EngGer = Map ( "House" -> "Haus" , "Bench" -> "Bank" , "Bank" -> "Bank" )
println ( EngGer ( "Bench" ))
println ( EngGer . contains ( "Tree" ))
val TreeInGerman = util . Try ( EngGer ( "Tree" )) getOrElse "Unknown"
// Adding entries:
EngGer += ( "Car" -> "Auto" )